Monday, August 25, 2008

Cool New Chat Feature on Crush or Flush!

Chatting and online dating seem to go hand and hand these days.  You can't look into your potential sweetie's eyes but you can stare into the chat window of someone you really want to talk to on Crush on Flush's new chat client!

It does not allow your new interest to hide behind numerous profiles so they can mack with all the interesting ladies on the site.  One profile is allowed and tied to one cell phone number.  The number is used to verify the person who is signing up is a real person and not some skeezer with 15 different free email accounts.

And that's not all!  Crush or Flush only allows you to chat with someone who you have a Mutual crush on!  Didn't think that guy who crushed you was so hot?  Then don't worry, he will never get to chat and stalk you on Crush or Flush.  Only if you think he is fly will he get to talk to you. But you had better be on your game too!  That guy you just crushed may not crush you back.  If he doesn't then it's NO CHAT FOR YOU!