Monday, August 25, 2008

Cool New Chat Feature on Crush or Flush!

Chatting and online dating seem to go hand and hand these days.  You can't look into your potential sweetie's eyes but you can stare into the chat window of someone you really want to talk to on Crush on Flush's new chat client!

It does not allow your new interest to hide behind numerous profiles so they can mack with all the interesting ladies on the site.  One profile is allowed and tied to one cell phone number.  The number is used to verify the person who is signing up is a real person and not some skeezer with 15 different free email accounts.

And that's not all!  Crush or Flush only allows you to chat with someone who you have a Mutual crush on!  Didn't think that guy who crushed you was so hot?  Then don't worry, he will never get to chat and stalk you on Crush or Flush.  Only if you think he is fly will he get to talk to you. But you had better be on your game too!  That guy you just crushed may not crush you back.  If he doesn't then it's NO CHAT FOR YOU!

Monday, February 18, 2008

At What Point Did Today Go Back To 1960?

I was just ending my work day and thought I would check the weather.  The link to the following article got my attention (courtesy of

Wal-Mart Altercation Leads to Charges

Saturday, February 16, 2008

February 2008...Where's the Love???

Here I am two days after Valentine's.  I had a busy day so I decided to chill and hang out with a friend tonight.  Unfortunately, the flu has gripped him.  (He MAY have gotten it from me last week while he was being nice and bringing me dinner.)  Anyway, it gave me a chance to catch up on email, read some blogs of friends.  The thing that got me was the running theme of loneliness.
Many of us are older, single (most never married), professionals.  We are some male, some female.  All alone.  Most of us are in the neighborhood of 40...either seasoned residents or soon to move in.  All of us seemingly great people...just alone.

The blog that struck me the most was John's.  He has moved to Baltimore within the last year or so.  He talked about how his elderly neighbor existed, alone, no visitors, no relationship with his neighbors, nothing...just him and his cane.   His blog continued to compare his existence with that of his neighbor.  Exploring the differences (if any exist) and mostly the likeness of the two.  After reading, I found myself in the same boat.  I don't know any of my neighbors' names (except the two year old next door, Lucas.)   The chick below me is just evil walking.  Another neighbor?  She works graveyard so we just exchange polite "Morning"'s as I leave to begin my day and she is ending hers.  The other girl is only around when her parents come to visit (Her dad is one tough looking Marine...if he was my dad, I would fake it at this level, too!)

So, my analytic self moves on to the next point.  My train of thought is always: 1) Problem, 2) Desired solution, 3) Course of action and 4) Execute plan.

We know what the problem is:  we are alone but not satisfied with being alone.

What's the solution?  To have that wonderful partner of substance to be the icing on the cake of the wonderful lives we are building.

Here is where I am stuck:  Course of action.  What have we not done?  I have online profiles on dating sites.  I used to chat but work life has interrupted that.  Plus, considering my dating preferences, it is easier to find someone with the same mindset online.  What am I not doing?  Getting out...meeting people in real life. 
Maybe I do have my course of action.  Maybe I need to get out more.  But meanwhile, I want to reach out again.  My online friends and acquaintances are in the same boat.  What can we do for each other? 

It really sucks (and that's a technical term) that so many feel the same way!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Need a Laugh Today?

You know I think the YouTube was the best thing to hit the Net in a LONG time!  I can find video clips of anything!  Well, today my coworker and I needed a laugh.  About that time, I got an email with a link to the clip below.  Adding to their long list of lovely musical numbers, Brian and Stewie belt out a tribute to the Emmy's from this year's broadcast.  Taking pock shots at the fall schedule and dancing their hearts at the same time looks like a breeze to them!  Check it out...


Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Daniel!!! I am RIGHT...HERE! LOL

I am checking out an artist I found out about last month.  Marc Ronson is featuring him on his single, "Stop Me" (check that out too)!  His name is Daniel Merriweather!  From Australia, I am not sure how long he has been around but he sounds good to me!  :)   I am posting his single "City Blues" for you to check out.  Look for this dude!  Not only does he sounds good, he is not bad on the eyes (Ladies!). Too bad he looks 12!  LOL!Big Smile

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Where Have You Been!

Hey!  What's going on?  Not a lot here.  Still taking care of my family and friends.  Still working like I know nothing else.  I have few ventures under way.  I have created a couple of BF/WM designs for us interracial relationship lovers! Wink

You know I had to do something to help me support my iTunes habit!  LOL!  I am going to try to add posts more frequently now.  Sharing is one of my favorite things to do...especially sharing music. 

Before I go, I thought I would share this new song I have been listening to.  Definitely right in line with my dating preference!  It is a song that speaks to two people coming together no matter their colors or backgrounds... in other words, Love Conquers All! Check it out!


Thursday, August 24, 2006

Updates For Ya!

Well, it has been about 4 months since I have written here.  Of course, the last thing I wrote was about current true love!  LOL!  Unfortunately, things remain the same here.  Still have not run into my partner...of course, I have not been looking much either!  I had met what I thought was a nice guy but he too has fallen into the lot of men who cannot seem to tell the truth to save their lives.  I won't get into what happened but he knows who he is and what he did...and even more importantly, He (as in the Lord Above) knows what he did. 

My family life is good.  I am so grateful for (most of) them...but especially my little buddy (too bad he can't read!)  LOL! 

I think yesterday (the 23rd) hit me hard as far as partners and soulmates are concerned since it was the 15th anniversary of my uncle's death.  He and my aunt were the prime examples of soulmates in my life and they seemed to have the type of relationship/marriage that deep inside I still long for.   (I am glad this is not a want that consumes my life or I would probably be a complete wreck right now.)  I wrote about my aunt and uncle in an earlier post.  And it is as true today as it was when I wrote it, my aunt STILL has not even as much as looked at another man.  My uncle was her soulmate, her true love.  That space can never be filled by anyone else to her. 

I still wonder if there is a soulmate for each person and are there some lucky folks who have more than one. 

My career is going well.  I have a new job with the same company...MUCH less stress and BS...that is ALWAYS a good thing.  I actually have the time to date and spend with someone if I wanted to...of course, there is no one to spend that time with!  LOL!  What a vicious circle!

I am trying to stay hopeful but I know it is not getting any easier as the days pass.   I am curious if anyone else is having the difficulty I am.  I am beginning to believe that finding your soulmate when you date interracially is getting harder by the day! 

I often get emails from folks from all over the world thanks to this blog...I am hoping someone will email me and reassure my hope that love is truly possible!  Let me know if you have been successful in finding your soulmate.